Together we can cross the finish line: ending & preventing youth homelessness in Edmonton.
What’s the goal of the Homeward Walk|Run? To help youth become their best selves. We can achieve this by first meeting basic needs for all youth – shelter, food, safety, and love.
The Homeward Walk|Run raises funds that go directly to initiatives which help youth experiencing homelessness to move them from high-risk situations to positive futures. These include:
– housing programs
– support services
– arts and creative outlet programs
– education and employment training
– basic needs support
– mental health and harm reduction programs
Every dollar raised is shared equally among the four beneficiary agencies: e4c Alberta, Edmonton John Howard Society, Youth Empowerment and Support Services, and iHuman Youth Society. It is the most powerful way to support the end of youth homelessness in our community.
For registration and more information visit