Dave and Gwen Burroughs are true champions of the youth who come to YESS, and have been for almost a decade.
YESS provides support to youth who are in crisis and experiencing homelessness through a variety of channels ranging from immediate emergency shelter to ongoing support programs and individual guidance, and the Burroughs are with us every step of the way to ensure our kids get what they need to succeed.
Their generosity has provided access to counselling, medical care, hot meals, and a safe place to spend the night for hundreds of youth. Executive coaching funded by Dave and Gwen has allowed YESS to invest in staff so they can give their very best to the kids every day. A gift to a YESS endowment fund enabled the fund to begin paying out this year. Gwen’s paintings have been popular auction items at YESS galas.
Whether it is selling a race car to raise funds for YESS, inviting friends to YESS events, or building the YESS endowment fund to ensure future support for our kids, Dave and Gwen will do just about anything to provide the resources our kids need to succeed, and that makes them true champions of the hundreds of kids who come to us each year looking for help.
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